Monday 27 June 2011

A Little Cup!

Good morning!
I have a sickly kid at home today, it seems we have chickenpox around this way! My friends kids go to a different school but close to here and it's there too :-(
Zack's spots have doubled in numbers overnight and he now has about 30 of the little devils, but that said he is O.K. in himself today, he has been feeling a lot worse this week before the spots came out, so that's one good thing I suppose!
Anyway, as I mentioned in my previous post we baked cupcakes on Saturday afternoon, what I didn't tell you is I got some super cute new cases in Waterstones (of all places!) here have a look...
How cute are they?? Unfortunately they only came in a pack of 4 and they were quite expensive so I just treated myself to the one pack as I still had a book token from my birthday, I LOVE 'em though :-D
 and a bit of the icing, not the best and I would like some new nozzles for prettier swirls, but the ones I have will have do for now! The little flowers were ones I punched out ages ago, my little tip is I did cheat and bought ready rolled icing to punch them from, but it works well.
I also sprinkled some gold glitter on top, gotta have bling, even on a cake ;-) 
Well, I better get back to the patient but I will be back tomorrow with a some paper creations, I promise.
Before I go a quick reminder don't forget my charity class (last week to sign up this week) and my special offer for the rest of June and July too, more details in the side bar!
Thanks for stopping by today,

1 comment:

  1. Now they look nice! And how cute are those cases - just the cup I'm assuming. Must look them up in Waterstones. Hope the invalid recovers soon.


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